Twin Springs Farm - Black Angus Cattle, spinning fleece, cows, calves, cattle, Shetland Sheep, ewes, sheep, Mammoth Jackstock, mules, donkeys, rams
 100 Twin Springs Lane

Avonmore, PA 15618
Phone:(724) 697-4930

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Our flock of Shetland Sheep in the winter pasture

Flock #529 - Twenty years of raising Shetlands

Welcome to Twin Springs Farm where the emphasis is on heritage breeds. On our 112 acre farm the primary focus is on Shetland Sheep, a small hardy sheep originally from the Shetland Islands, who produce wonderful soft fleeces for handspinning. Shetland Sheep are small, thrifty sheep who are known to be excellent mothers that lamb easily with vigorous lambs. We bought our first Shetlands in 1998 and have been having fun with them ever since. One breeder who had raised other breeds told us that Shetlands practically raise themselves. That's good news because we have 23 ewes bred to lamb this April. While most of our ewes twin, some have triplets which always makes for a nice number of lambs. I have to add that our ewes that have triplets easily raise them without any extra feed over what the rest of the ewe flock receives. They are very milky little sheep.

We began farming in 1981 with Black Angus cows, adding White Galloways in 2000. But 2012 we sold the last cow, leaving us free to concentrate on just the Shetlands.

Hedy with third set of quads
Morning Song with lamb

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